Trail Mail

Trail Mail Solutions

Box Hill Trail Mail - March 2020

We hope you enjoyed having a go at solving the Clues based on the three information boards within the Box Hill Treasure Trail and managed to crack them. If you want to check the answers, these can be seen below. Don't forget to keep an eye on your inbox as you may be one of our lucky winners!

Easy Peasy

Count how many leaves there are on the three main stems in the middle of the pic. Times this by the number of bees there are. Your total is your answer. The answer is 45. In the first picture, there are three leaves at the front, each with five leaves. There are three bees. 15x3=45

Mind Twister

From left to right, Flower = 79, Bug = 30, Mouse = 73.
What does ‘mushrooms’ equal?

The answer is 141. If A=1, B=2, etc, work out what each letter equals and then add them up to get your answer.

Brain Buster

Times M by H – write down your answer.
Times C by W – write down your answer.
Now, add these together. (Hint: you don’t need any words here)

The answer is 59.Men (7) x Horses (2) = 14, Chimneys (3) x Windows (15) = 45. Total = 59


Hay-on-Wye Trail Mail - February 2020

We hope you enjoyed having a go at solving the Clues based on a sign within the Hay-on-Wye Famous for Books! Treasure Trail and managed to crack them. If you want to check the answers, these can be seen below. Don't forget to keep an eye on your inbox as you may be one of our lucky winners!

Easy Peasy

Up, down, left, left, up, right, down, left, aha, a baby! But what tile did you start on?

The answer is Francoise Verger Hay-Lyon.

Mind Twister

Look at all of the letters here. Using each letter only once, how many times can you write the word 'book'?

The answer is five. There are ten o's, eight b's and five k's, so you can only make the word 'book' five times.

Brain Buster

Work out what letters these combinations equal, then rearrange them to find a famous author.

What is the answer, and what is your favourite book by this author?

3, 2, 3
6, 1, 3
8, 3, 4
2, 1, 9
1, 1, 2
4, 3, 3
2, 1, 8
2, 2, 1
7, 2, 5
1, 1, 5

The answer is Enid Blyton. The first number is the tile, 1-4 across the top and 5-8 across the bottom. The second number is the word in that tile, and the third number is the letter on that word. We can't decide which of the Famous Five books is our favourite, though...

Knowledge Tester - Bonus Question

What part of the body will you find on a book?

The answer is spine (although, hands and fingers would technically be right too!).


Spooky Newquay Trail Mail - January 2020

We hope you enjoyed having a go at solving the Clues based on a plaque within the Spooky Newquay Treasure Trail and managed to crack them. If you want to check the answers, these can be seen below. Don't forget to keep an eye on your inbox as you may be one of our lucky winners!

Easy Peasy

Find an animal and an insect, then add together the number of legs they have (assuming they have the normal amount).

The answer is: Twelve. A horse (has four legs) and a spider (has eight legs) are mentioned.

Mind Twister

TOLCARNE CROSS has to be written in capital letters for this one!!

If TOLCARNE CROSS is line one, with which line can you celebrate a birthday, have a rest and hear a dog? Take this number away from the earliest date you can see here. What’s your total?

The answer is: 1836. The thirteenth line mentions a seat, a bark tree and Christmas 1849 - 13 = 1836

Brain Buster

If 3=5, 7=6, and 11=7, what does 1 =?

The answer is: Nine. This is to do with the words in yellow, and the number of letters in each word. The first word encountered in yellow, "EDGECUMBE", has nine letters.

Newport Shropshire - December 2019

We hope you enjoyed the Trail Mail Clues set on the image found along the Newport - A Norman gem Treasure Hunt Trail in Shropshire. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

Can you spot one of Santa’s reindeer hiding within a word? Let us know what word it is, along with the name of the reindeer.

The answer is Dasher. Dasher can be found in Haberdashers.

Mind Twister

Time to find some hidden words. What word conceals what you might get from Santa if you have been naughty? What two words conceal the two common objects that can be found at the top of a Christmas tree?

The answer is Local (Coal), Partnership (Star) & Nightingale (Angel).

Brain Buster

Time for a FAMILY WORD GAME now. From top to bottom, if the second year equals 23 and the third year equals 24, what does the first year equal?

*To solve this Brain Buster you might need the help of the internet, unless you're super duper clever!

The answer is 24. The family word game is 'Scrabble'. To get the final number of 24 you need to convert the first year '1893' into words. You will now have 'one', 'eight', 'nine' and 'three'. Using a scrabble score calculator from the internet enter each word to get its scrabble score. One = 3. Eight= 9. Nine = 4. Three= 8. The final answer of 24 comes when you add all of these numbers together. 3+9+4+8= 24.

Machynlleth - November 2019

We hope you enjoyed the Trail Mail Clues set on the image found along the new Machynlleth Mystery Treasure Hunt in Powys. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

What is the Welsh word for wild?

The answer is Gwyllt. The Welsh word for wild can be seen within the picture twice. Maes Blodau Gwyllt (Wild Flower Border) & Pwill Bywyd Gwyllt (Wildlife Pond)

Mind Twister

Jump up from your sleep, put the light on and head for something to eat. What three places have you just visited?

The answer is Indvivual Beds, Spring Blubs & Edible Hedge.

Brain Buster

So many trees, 3=5, 6=3, 3=5, 4= _?

The answer is 10. This pattern relates to the number of letters in the English and Welsh words for the different types of trees in the picture. For example there are 3 letters in the word Ash and 5 letters in the Welsh word for Ash - Onnen. The missing number is 10 which relates to Pisgwydden which translates to Lime in English (4=10).

Newport IOW - October 2019

We hope you enjoyed the Trail Mail Clues set on the plaque found in Newport IOW. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

Work out what the missing letter is and write down the only word that is does appear in?

The answer is Memorial. The missing letter is "L" (which is missing from the word ‘people’) and the only word with this letter in, is "memorial".

Mind Twister

Work out what the year shown is in roman numerals. Then add all the round dots separating the words together. Add these two totals for your answer.

The answer is 1912. The roman numerals reveal the year 1901 and there are 11 dots separating the words. Adding these together reveals the answer, 1912.

Brain Buster

Enter the middle line:

Top line: 1,4,1,2

Middle line:

Bottom Line: 0,2,3,1,1,4

The answer is 1,4,1,3. The pattern relates to the number of vowels in the first word, then the number of consonants in the second word, vowels in the third word, consonants in the fourth word and so on.

Manchester - September 2019

We hope you enjoyed the Trail Mail Clues set on the plaque found in Manchester. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

The letters of only one of these words can all be found within a single line on the plaque: WAND, NEWT, SPELL, GOBLIN, OWL, OGRE, FROG.
Which one is it?

The answer is OGRE. These letters can be found in the line that contains European Regional.

Mind Twister

Find the word that contains three cricket related words within it.

The answer is Spinningfields – spin, inning, field.

Brain Buster

Count the number of points on a single star. Then count the number of stars. If 1=A, 2=B, 26=Z etc, work out the letters that the two numbers represent.
Which is the shortest word that contains both letters?

The answer is 5=E and 12=L – realm​.

Super Duper Tricky

Which letter completes this sequence: btf?

The answer is a. They are the initial letters of words that are not capitalised

Llandaff - August 2019

We hope you enjoyed the Trail Mail Clues set on the Roald Dahl blue plaque in Llandaff. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

What is the welsh word for author?

The answer is Awdur.

Mind Twister

Work out how old Roald Dahl was when he died? If 1,2 = Dahl and 9,6 = Gadeirlan, using the digits you have got as single digits, what word do you get?

The answer is Boy.

1,2 refers to the first line, second word. 9,6 refers to the ninth line, sixth word. Using the dates you can work out that Roald Dahl died when he was seventy four. 7,4 gives you ‘boy’.

Brain Buster

If the year the Llandaff society presented the plaque equals 3444, what does the year Roald Dahl was born equal?

The answer is 3,4,3,3.

The Llandaff society presented the plaque in 2009. If you write these individual digits as words (two, zero, zero, nine) and count the number of letters in each word, you get 3,4,4,4. Roald dahl was born in 1916 (one, nine, one, six) so you get 3,4,3,3.

Bowness - July 2019

We hope you enjoyed the Trail Mail Clues set on the image found along the new Bowness Down by the Lake Spy Mission Trail. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

Count the number of arrows seen on the telescope and multiply this by the number of individual pennies it would cost you to work the telescope. What number do you get?“

The answer is 120.

There are 6 arrows on the telescope. If you times this by 20 you get 120.

Mind Twister

Imagine you have rotated the main turnbar by the coin slot to 6 o’clock. Now looking at the ‘finger’ that would be pointing at 12 o’clock, imagine a line drawn straight upwards. Note down the two closest letters to this line in the word closest to the turnbar. Now find the only two individual words on the telescope that starts with each of these letters.

The answer is 'Ensure' & 'Hold'.

Turning the turnbar to 6’oclock and following the bar upwards. The first word you come to is ‘CHESHIRE’. The two letters you will come the closest to are E and H. The words you are looking for are ‘Ensure’ and ‘Hold’.

Brain Buster

Taking the first five letters of each line of text and looking at them individually, unscramble three of them to work out the definitions of the following words: ‘Someone that will help you’, ‘A loud noise’ and ‘Something to help you dry’.

The answers are Towel, Nurse & Siren.

The first 5 letters on the first line are ‘OWLTE’ – unscramble this to find something that will help you dry – Towel

The first five letters on the fourth line are ‘ENSUR’ – unscramble this to find someone that will help you – Nurse

The first five letters on the sixth line are ‘INSER’ – unscramble this to find a loud noise – Siren

Battle - June 2019

We hope you enjoyed the Trail Mail Clues set on the picture found along the new Battle Through Time Spy Mission Trail. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

Take the knight at the front of the picture, holding the flagpole/spear, with the cross on it. Count the small circles on his helmet.

Now take away 3 from this number. Find your answer on the picture (not the plaque) and write down the three digits that appear before it.

The answer is 201.

There are 8 small circles on the knights helment.


The number 5 can be found in the bottom lefthand side of the picture. Zoom in and you'll see that the numbers 201 appear before 5.

Mind Twister

Looking at the small plaque, if 1,3 = "T" and 2,8 = "b", find out what
Equals and then rearrange these letters to spell a name.

The answer is Harold.

The numbers relate to the line and then the number of letters along this line.

2,2 = O 1,2 = A 4,8 = H 3,5 = L 1,20 = D 3,14 = R

Rearrange these letters to spell HAROLD

Brain Buster

Starting from the left of the picture, finish the sequence.

You, (slightly) right, down, right, ……. , down, down, …., you, left, away, down

The answers are Right & Up.

These words relate to the direction of where the humans in the picture are looking.

From left to right the humans are facing towards You, (slightly) right, down, right, right, down, down, up, you, left, away, down.

Swindon - May 2019

We hope you enjoyed the Trail Mail Clues set on the sign found along the new Swindon Spy Mission Trail. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

Add together each individual number that you can see on the sign (ignoring the zeros). Now, count this number of letters in from the first 'H'. What letter do you land on?

The answer is S. The numbers on the sign add up to 23. The 23rd letter is S.

Mind Twister

What measurement is 3/8th of the second line and 1/9th of the third line?

The answer is INCH. These letters come from the 3 letters of the 8 letter word PRINCESS and 1 letter in the 9 letter word ELIZABETH.

Brain Buster

If there is one in line one, two in line two and seven in line five, how many are in lines three and four?

The answer is line 3=3 and line 4=5. This question is based around the number of letters with 'holes in them'. Letters which 'contain holes' on the sign are A, P, R, O & B (B's have 2 holes in them). In line 3 the 3 letters with 'holes in them' are A & B. These letters contain 3 holes in them. In line 4 the 5 letters with holes in them are A, O, P, P & R. Added together this equals 5.

St Ives Cornwall - April 2019

We hope you enjoyed the Clues set on the picture found along the new St Ives Mystery Trail. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

Find the binoculars, if dolphin is south and the seals are south west, what is northeast?

The answer is lighthouse.

Mind Twister

Complete the sequence, B,R,B,Y,_,_,_

The answer is R,B,Y This sequence relates to the first 7 coloured flags to the right of the flag pole on the boat. Blue, Red, Blue, Yellow, Red, Blue, Yellow.

Brain Buster

Add together the dolphins, sisters and seals in the water. Times this number by the duration of the cruise. Now looking at the text at the top of the image, count along this many spaces until you land on a letter. Note it. Then from this letter, count along this many letters again. Note it. Then do the same again to note your final letter. Your three letters make up a name, what is it?

The answer is Ali.

Leeds Roundhay Park - March 2019

We hope you enjoyed the Clues we set on the sign found along the Leeds Roundhay Park Spy Mission Trail. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

Using parts of the cartoon animals as the big and small hands of a clock, if ‘Fish Bottom Lip – Newt’s Tail’ = Quarter Past Six, what time does ‘Frog’s Thumb – Parrots’ Upper Beak’ show

The answer is 3 o'clock.

Mind Twister

Find all eight words in green and put them in alphabetical order. Then, use the following code to reveal a word: 3-7, 2-2, 6-3, 7-1, 8-3, 1-3, 4-4.

The answer is Fortune.

Brain Buster

Find the line that starts with the creator and ends with the creation. Read backwards to reveal a cheese…

The answer is Edam.

Holt - February 2019

We hope you enjoyed the Clues we set on the milestone found along the Holt Spy Mission Trail. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

Multiply the number of ‘L’s’ by the number of ‘M’s’ – where do you end up?

The answer is Dereham. There are 3 'L's' and 6 'M's' on the milestone. 3 x 6 =18

Mind Twister

If ‘1,3’ = m
'2,9' = g
‘6,2’ = i
Work out what ‘4,11’, ‘5,3’, ‘8,2’, ‘2,8’, ‘2,2’, ‘6,3’, ‘1,6’, ‘2,7’ is when rearranged?

The answer is Treasure. The first letter dictates the row and the second dicates the number of letters across.

Brain Buster

Finish the sequence.


The answer is 0,10,5,7,5,0,5,6. The position of the letter 'h' along each row.

Swansea - January 2019

We hope you enjoyed the Clues we set on the signpost found along the Swansea Treasure Trail. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

Looking at your calendar, you head to a meeting at Port Talbot. You get half way there and realise you have the wrong date and should be in Llanelli today. You turn around and go to your meeting there. How many miles have you travelled?

The answer is27.

Mind Twister

Which letters of the alphabet do not appear on this sign? Arrange these in alphabetical order and note the first of these letters. Using the code A=1, 2=B, 3=C etc, convert this letter to a number. Which location on the sign is this distance away?

The answer is Port Talbot. The letters which don't appear on this sign are JKQVZ. When converting the first letter 'J' it equals 10. Port Talbot is 10 miles away.

Brain Buster

Complete the following sequence
4, ?, 1,3,?.

The answer is 4, 4, 1, 3, 3. This information is gathered from the number of vowels in the first word of each line on the lefthand side of the signpost.

St Nicholas Street - December 2018

We hope you enjoyed the Clues we set on the St. Nicholas Street sign found near to Treasure Trails HQ. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

10 letters of the alphabet do not appear on the sign. Can you list them all?

The answer isFJMPQUVXYZ.

Mind Twister

Complete the following sequence: T, S, T, N, T, W, E, T, G ?

The answer is T. The sequence is the last letter of each word that appears, the last letter in the sequence is T, from the word street.

Brain Buster

Run the ‘direction’ of King Street five letters from ‘d’. How many times does the letter you land on appear on the sign? Convert this number to its relevant positioned letter in the alphabet. What word on the sign starts with this letter?

The answer is K. King (Street) is the final answer. King Street runs left (or backwards on the words). The letter d only appears once, in the word Bridge. Five letters back from this is the letter ‘e’. This appears 11 times. The 11th letter of the alphabet is K. King (Street) is the final answer.

Ruthin - September 2018

We hope you enjoyed the Clues we set on the sign along the route of the Ruthin Trail. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

What is the Welsh word for "Start"?

The answer is Dechrau (As seen at the start point on the map).

Mind Twister

Multiply the year that Eglwys Sant Pedr was built by the number of car park symbols as seen on the map. Then add to this, the number that appears nearest to "Station Walk".

The answer is 8354. Eglwys Sant Pedr (St Peter's Church) was built in 1310. There are 6 car park symbols on the map. The number closest to "Station Walk" on the map is 494. So, 1310 x 6 = 7860. 7860 + 494 = 8354.

Brain Buster

Unscramble the following anagram of a three word phrase and use it to convert to its equivalent four word phrase in English. “Dashingly truth haul”.

The answer is“Seven Eyes of Ruthin”. “Dashingly truth haul” is an anagram of the three word phrase in Welsh, “Saith Llygad Rhuthun”, which, when using the number 9 panels of information, translates into the four word English equivalent, “Seven Eyes of Ruthin”.

Nottingham - August 2018

We hope you enjoyed the Clues we set on the sign along the route of one of our Nottingham Trails. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

How many locations mentioning items of clothing are there on the map?

The answer is 3. Bluecoat Street, Bluecoat Close & Boots Library.

Mind Twister

Add together the total number of Blue arrows to the number of Red arrows and identify the street name above this number.

The answer is Goldsmith Street. There are 5 red arrows and are 18 blue arrows. This gives a total of 23 arrows - no 23.

Brain Buster

*Sorry for our mistake with the wording to this clue. We have removed the last directional instruction, but will accept all outcomes.*

If you were standing with the YMCA on your left and facing along Mansfield Road, follow these instructions to reveal a final destination:

Third left, first left, first left, left, left, second left, right, second right, first left, second left, left, second right.

Stop at the first blue arrow on your left - what is it pointing at?

The answer is Belgrave Centre.

Rutland Water - August 2018

We hope you enjoyed the Clues we set on the signpost long the route our Rutland Water Trail. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

Count the total number of bird images you can see on the map and add them to the number of binocular symbols. Now convert the number to the relevant positioned letter in the alphabet.

The answer is ​O. O is the 15th letter of the alphabet

Mind Twister

Looking at the map, work out what the missing numbers and letters are in the following – these all share a similarity:







The answer is TNA or The Noel Arms. These are the initials of the buildings marked with a house symbol.

Brain Buster

Starting at Normanton, follow the orange path with the white dashed line in a clockwise direction around the shoreline. (You will need to turn right after the brown building.)

Take the first letters of each word of all the locations that you pass on your right-hand side (both land and water – and ignore the “&”) and stop when you reach a family of four people walking away from you.

Ignoring duplicates, arrange these letters into reverse alphabetical order, then take the 14th, 13th and 13th of these letters to match the initials of a location on the map.

The answer is Barnsdale Country Club.

You pass:

SC (Sailing Club)

BI (Browns Island)

MB (Manton Bay)

THJI (The Horse & Jockey Inn)

LH (Lax Hill)

E (Egleton)

AWBWC (Anglian Water Bird Watching Centre)

NR (Nature Reserve)

OH (Old Hall)

The letters, excluding duplicates, in reverse alphabetical order are:


Taking the 14th, 13th and 13th letters of this sequence matches Barnsdale Country Club

Bristol - August 2018

We hope you enjoyed the Clues we set on the signpost long the route of one of our Bristol Trails. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

Which 5 letters of the alphabet are missing from the signpost?

The answer is FJPXZ​.

Mind Twister

Reverse letters of the alphabet so that Z=A, Y=B through to A=Z, to discover which word sits directly beneath “GSVZGIV”?

The answer is SCIENCES. The code converted makes the word THEATRE. The word underneath this is SCIENCES

Brain Buster

What is the next number in the following sequence: 19, 18, 14, 9, ???

The answer is 11. This sequence relates to the number of letters in the words on the 'righthand side' of the sign. 'Drama Wickham Theatre' (19 letters) - 'Biomedical Sciences' (18 letters) - 'Queen's Building' (14 letters) & 'Chemistry' (9 letters). 11 relates to the number of letters in the word 'Mathematics'.

Brighton - July 2018

We hope you enjoyed the Clues we set on the vibrantly coloured building along the Brighton Lanes Trail. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

'HIPLOND' is an anagram of one word which can be found on the building. Rearrange the letters to reach the answer for your first Clue.

The answer is DOLPHIN.

Mind Twister

What letter completes the following sequence?



The answer is T. MADE are the first letters of the words Make, Art, Drink, Eat. ETKT are the last letters.

Brain Buster

*Whoops - it appears that there are five different couloured triangles not four!*

Looking at the colourful wall art. There are four different coloured triangles. Two of these colours have three triangles each. Mix together these two colours to make a new colour. Now find how many times the unique letters of this colour appear in the street name sign directly beneath the wall art.

The answer is - Two x blue and two x yellow. Blue + yellow makes GREEN. The four unique letters of GREN appear 18 times on the street sign below
G = 1
R = 5
E = 9
N = 3
Total = 18

(will also accept 27 if you've put 9 in twice for the E’s and will also accept 9 if you have read this as E not being an unique letter and only counted GRN)

Perranporth - July 2018

We hope you enjoyed the Clues we set on the recycled mural found along the Perranporth Trail. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

Add the number of yellow net floats around the face to the number of words shown which do not contain the letter E to reach a final number.

The answer is 14.

Mind Twister

Looking at what you can see, fill in the missing gaps:
One red s m i _ _
Seventeen fishing net floats, eleven are _ e _ _ _ _, two o _ _ n _ _, and five b _ _ _
Five _ r _ _ _ letters,

The answers are - smile, yellow, orange , blue & green

Brain Buster

Using the two wooden signs, can you work out the two missing numbers in the following sequence?
19, ?, 23, ?, 16

The answer is20 & 15. The numbers are the corresponding position in the alphabet of the first letter of each of the words within ‘Stop the wave of plastic’.

Pollok Country Park - June 2018

We hope you enjoyed the Clues we set on the information board found along the Pollok Country Park Trail. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

A simple addition! Add the bus route number, to the number of dogs which can be seen, to the number of blue eyes you can find on the board.

The answer is 23. Number 18 bus, two dogs (did you miss the small one by the girl in the doorway?!) and three blue eyes (there is one at the bottom by the sycamore leaf

Mind Twister

What comes next in the following sequence:
Black, Black, Black, Yellow, Blue, Blue, Blue, Black, Black,???

The answer is Black. This is the sequence of coloured text in the first subtitle “The Burrell Walk – Yellow & Blue Route – Distance 0.7 miles”

Brain Buster

Using the ‘Pollok’s Terrible Tar Spot! How to spot clean air’ paragraph of 7 lines, can you work out what the two question marks should be in the following sequence:
20 – a
22 – m
(?) – i
14 – n
16 - (?)
12 – l
6 – n

The answer is15 & H. There are 7 lines. The number for each line is the number of words on that line, the letter beside it is the relative numbered letter on that line. For example, on the first line there are 20 words, and the 20th letter on that line is ‘a’.

Stockport - June 2018

We hope you enjoyed the Clues we set on the plaque found along the the brand new Stockport Brow & Bridges Trail. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

Find both a vegetable and a fruit on the plaque.

The answer is date and pea. The fruit is “date” (found in the word “accommodated”) and the vegetable is “pea” (in “peak”).

Mind Twister

If A is 1 and B is 2, what is the score of the lowest-scoring letter that doesn’t appear on the plaque?

The answer is 10. J is the lowest letter not on the plaque and is the 10th letter of the alphabet.

Brain Buster

What is the next (and final) letter in this sequence?

R, c, m, 0, I, ?

The answer is r. The letters and numbers in the sequence are those that appear consecutively on the plaque, for example “RR” appears in “AIR RAID”, “cc” and “mm” appear in “accommodate” etc.

Stratford-upon-Avon - May 2018

We hope you enjoyed the Clues we set on the plaque found along the Shakespeare Stratford Trail. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

Find 3 consecutive words that have the same number of letters.

The answer is ‘Here They Must’. These words can be found on the 5th line.

Mind Twister

Go 6 down, 6 from the left and 6 from the right to find a beast in reverse associated with these numbers.

The answer is Devil – The word on the sixth line down reads ‘His’. The word 6 from the left is ‘Only’ and sixth word from the right is ‘Lived’. If you reverse ‘Lived’ you get ‘Devil’.

Brain Buster

What are the next group of 3 letters in this sequence? (hint start from the beginning and work down) TEA YUM _ _ _

The answer is HEI. Solution to answer is as follows. Code is the 1st letter of 1st line, 2nd letter of 2nd line, 3rd letter of 3rd line etc. So the next in the sequence is the 7th letter of the 7th line, 8th letter of the 8th line and 9th letter of the 9th line.

Ross-on-Wye - May 2018

We hope you enjoyed the Clues we set on the building found along the Ross-on-Wye Trail. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

Find the colours written as words. Which one is repeated?

The answer is White. The colours written as words are “Black” and “White”. “Black Cat”, (bottom left) Goddards “White Horse Oils” (middle left) and “R White’s Ginger Beer”, (middle right). The repeated colour is therefore “White”.

Mind Twister

Rearrange “Cabinet Room” to identify the product with this word in its sign.

The answer is Goddards White Horse Oils. Cabinet Room” is an anagram of “Embrocation”, which relates to Goddards White Horse Oils.

Brain Buster

Complete the following sequence: “TBSD2LPFF ?”

The answer is I. The sequence is formed by taking the first letters of the words in the centre bottom sign. The first letter of the last word is missing from this sequence, so it is the letter “I” that is missing.

Harrogate - April 2018

We hope you enjoyed the Clues we set from the plaque on the Harrogate 4 Kids Trail. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

I’m a less popular relative of the bee! Which word on the plaque is an anagram of me?

The answer isSpaw

Anagram of Wasp

Mind Twister

Doctor Doctor! Locate the two medics. Now go to the line of text that lies exactly in the middle of them. From this line, take the last letter from each of the middle two words. Combine these with the last letter of the longest word on the plaque. Mix them up for something that can be chocolatey!

The answer isegg

The three words are ‘requiring the neighbouring’

Brain Buster

Spot and complete the pattern:

ber (9) ont

his (14) boo

tin (22) suc

din (23) byt

din (22) byt

din (?) byt

The answer is28

The pattern is that the numbers in brackets are the total sum of the invidiual digits which sit between the shown letters. For example, on the plaque the first line contains “…(number54 on the official..”

5+4 = 9

ber and ont ‘sandwich’ the numbers 5 and 4

The last string of numbers is 1999. This is sandwiches between ‘din’ and byt’. 1+9+9+9 = 28

Truro - April 2018

We hope you enjoyed the Clues we set from the map of Truro. The answers are as follows:

Easy Peasy

The easy level Clue was:

"Which streets are linked by Squeeze Guts Alley?"

The answer is 'Duke Street' and 'St Mary's Street' which can be seen on the right hand side near the big pink 'i'

Mind Twister

The medium level Clue was:

"Count all the white car parks “P”s on a blue background that you can see.

Which Ope DOESN’T have this number of letters in its first name?"

The answer is 'Swifties'.

There are 7 white car park “P”s on blue backgrounds across the map.
There are 3 Opes, Tonkins Ope, Roberts Ope and Swifties Ope.
Tonkins Ope and Roberts Ope have 7 letters in their names and Swifties Ope has 8 letters.

Brain Buster

The difficult level Clue was:

"Starting at “YOU”, leave High Cross on foot, following Pydar Street in the direction of the Post Office.

Take the first left after the Post Office, then go left, take the second right, go left, left again, take the second right, bear right and visit the second place on the right.

Where are you?"

The answer is 'the cinema' - the route below may help explain this!

Truro Solution