Solve the Christmas Puzzle - Part Three

Open the toy vault part 1

That was some excellent codebreaking on your part! You helped Santa remember the code. We're impressed! However, we're not there yet because it's a double-coded vault!

The good news is that the Chief Elf can see a decoder on the back of the vault door:

Extra decoder

Open the vault:

Use this decoder to decipher the first vault code (it's in the top image above if you can't remember it!) and reveal the secret second 6-digit code.

This second code will finally open the vault! Enter it below to release the Chief Elf! IMPORTANT – use all capital letters and no spaces or it won’t work!

Are you ready for Christmas?

Santa's Elves have been in touch with us here at Treasure Trails to say thank you for creating a gift that's so easy to wrap up! 🎁

If you hate wrapping, Treasure Trails are your friend. If you really hate wrapping presents, they also fit in a C5 or A5 envelope! ✉ and a single standard stamp (1st or 2nd class) will cover the postage of 1-2 Trails. 

That's Christmas sorted!

See all Santa's tasks plus Competition T&Cs: