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The Treasure Trails Mystery Halloween Puzzle

Dare You Attempt The Treasure Trails Mystery Halloween Puzzle?
Follow the story of the Carpenter family as they undertake the final part of their Treasure Trail.
Included within the story are links showing the three clues they have to solve. Your task is to answer the clues as well and then put the answers together to form a name.
Once you have finished the story, enter your answer by clicking the button at the end of the story and we will let you know if you are correct or not, along with how the final answer can be reached.
On the 30th November we will draw 5 correct answers at random to win a Treasure Trail of their choice!
Let's Start the Story...
A blustery autumnal wind was making the leaves dance along the pavement as the Carpenter family marched towards the final part of their Treasure Trail. Two hours had raced by as the family of four had explored the old city and now only 3 clues remained unsolved.
It was getting dark and the family were keen to get to their final location, fuelled by the excitement of solving the mystery and the promise of a roast dinner by the fire at the very appealing pub they had passed a few minutes earlier.

“It should be just up here on the right”, said Mr Carpenter as he checked the directions in the Trail. Sure enough, a few paces on, a set of large wrought iron gates with the word ‘Necroplis’ forged across their top came into view.
“What’s a necropolis?” asked Ben, the youngest member of the Carpenter family.
“A necropolis is a large ancient cemetery with elaborate tomb monuments”, replied Mrs Carpenter.
“So it means this must be the dead centre of town then”, said Mr Carpenter, looking for but receiving no laughs.
“Well I’m not going in there!” cried Sasha, the elder of the Carpenter’s children. “Especially not today. Are you serious? Halloween, dark and cemetery are 3 things that do not mix well!”
“Oh come on - it’s just three clues, and we will be a lot quicker finding them if all four of us are searching”, urged Mr Carpenter. “There will be no dessert if you don’t”, he mischievously added.

Sasha stared at the gates, up at the darkening sky and then finally through into the cemetery beyond. She knew how much the Trails meant to the rest of her family and Ben was pretty amazing at finding the answers. She turned and said “Come on then, let’s get this done - I reckon we’ve got 20 minutes before it gets too dark to see”.
She promptly opened one of the gates and walked in, the creak and squeal of the hinges setting her teeth on edge. Once through, the first thing that struck her was how cold she suddenly felt...

The four gathered in the small open area just beyond the gate. Mr Carpenter read out the first clue and they all looked around, unsure in which direction they should head to start searching.
It was Ben who said “Why don’t we ask that workman to help us?” They all looked in the direction that Ben was pointing and sure enough there was an old man with a hammer and chisel doing some work on one of the graves.

“Good idea”, said Mr Carpenter as they walked across to the gentleman and explained their predicament regarding the shortness of time.
“Oh yes”, the man said, “I have seen lots of people doing these Trails and can quickly show you where each answer can be found. But I'm not going to tell you the answers, you'll have to solve them yourself”.
The man led them down a path to their right and a short while later stopped and said “the answer to clue 1 can be found around here”. (click the green button below to see the clue and the surrounding area so that you can solve it yourself). It took Ben less than two minutes to find it...
Continue to see and solve Clue 1
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“Well done young man”, said the caretaker. “Now let’s go to Clue 2. Quick, you really don’t want to be here after dark”.
Three minutes later, the old man stopped again and said “You’ll find clue 2 around here somewhere”.
This time it was Mrs Carpenter who found the answer first, although it did take a little while. Too long really, as the light was now fading fast.
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They were all nearly running as they followed the old man’s directions to get to Clue 3.
“The answer’s somewhere around here” said Mr Carpenter when they had reached the right area.
Luckily Ben found the answer quickly and all four dashed back along the path back to the main gates.
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It was as they reached the main gate that Mrs Carpenter remembered the old man. “Hey – we need to thank the workman” she cried.
They saw him straight away, back at the place where they had first spoken to him working on the headstone. They quickly went across to thank him for his help.
Just as they were departing, Mr Carpenter asked the man why he was still working and not going home as it was dark. “Oh – they spelled my name wrong and I was getting so tired of waiting for them to change it, I decided to do it myself and I want to finish it now rather than wait another year”.
“Run!” shouted Mr Carpenter as the icy grip of fear hit him as he began to comprehend what the man had just said.

Did you solve the clues?
Put the three names together from the clues in the order that you found them and submit your answer below to see if you are correct.
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