Celebrating the Longest Day

We love celebrating the longest day - and with the evenings stretching out till way past bedtime there is plenty of time to do a Treasure Trail around your local town with friends and family. We’ve written an acrostic to inspire you to get out and explore!

Celebrating the Longest Day

Lovely evenings stretching ahead

Out and about with little thought of bed.

New friends and old looking for fun

Gather together out in the sun.

Energetically finding some treasure they do 

Start at the beginning with the first clue.

Trail along the route up and around town

Don’t divert now, otherwise the sun might go down.

Afterwards everyone can get back to their lair

Yawning and tired after a fun day in the fresh air.

If you are looking for things to do and you fancy writing an acrostic, we’d love to read it.