Steve's Evil I Spy Answers!

I did warn you some were tough!

Whether you're checking your answers or seeing just how evil those I Spy's you couldn't find were, you'll find the answers below. 

I hope you've enjoyed this first instalment of my evil I Spy!

Polperro Answers

G D = Green Door

Polperro I-Spy Answer 1

3 WB = 3 Wooden Benches

Polperro I-Spy Answer 2

CT in W = Christmas Tree in Window

Polperro I-Spy Answer 3

Glasgow Answers

3 M in HV on B = 3 Men in High Vis on Bench

Glasgow I-Spy Answer 1

1 F E = 1 Fire Engine

Glasgow I-Spy Answer 2

S of 6 C = Stack of Six Cones

Glasgow I-Spy Answer 3

Well, that's the end of this first instalment of my Evil I Spy. How did you get on? 

We'll be releasing the next couple of locations in our TT journey over the coming weeks.

In the meantime, now you've warmed your eyes up, why not head out and find some real life clues, I promise they won't be as tricky as some of these ones (yes, I know, that stack of cones one was very mean indeed!).