Unusual Obsession

We all have hobbies but have you ever thought that your interest in solving Treasure Trails is just a little bit different? Grown adults scurrying around searching for the answers to sneaky clues; BIG KID ALERT!!
Well we do! So we've decided to celebrate your unusual obsession and we want to hear from you. We've even got a leader board!

Unusual Obsession

We Want to Hear From You!

Done 1, or done 101? We want to hear from you! Also let us know how doing a Treasure Trail has affected your life. Has it brought the family together? Met your husband on a Trail? Used the Trail for cardiac rehab? Or perhaps you just got soaking wet and your favourite hat blew into the sea whilst on a Trail.

Heart-warming, touching, funny... we just love hearing from Trailers. Post your comment below and we'll start to make a (unconventional) leader board table.

At the end of October 2017, we will pick 5 random customers to add yet another Treasure Trail to your collection.

Unusual Obsession - Leader board Table

Sharing is Caring!

Don't forget to post a comment below and we will add you to our (unconventional) leader board. Don't forget... we'll pick 5 random winners at the end of October 2017.

Let us know if you like this as well... we could actually do a permanent (and proper) table with (proper) prizes for all!!

Want to see even more? We have loads of great pictures and stories from our merry band of Trailers on Facebook.